OneDigital Welcomes Nonprofit HR, Expanding Capabilities for the Social Impact Sector

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Nonprofit HR’s Blog

WASHINGTON, October 30, 2015 – Nonprofit HR, the only human resources firm in the country that works exclusively with the nonprofit sector, today announced it has partnered with GuideStar, the world’s largest source of information on nonprofit organizations, on its 2016 Nonprofit Employment Practices Survey. The tenth annual survey opens today for members of the nonprofit community to share information regarding their hiring outlook and employment practices for the coming year. The results will be revealed at Nonprofit HR’s Talent & Culture Summit in Washington, DC, on April 18, 2016.

Since 2007, Nonprofit HR’s Employment Practices Survey has been highlighting trends, growth and changes in nonprofit employment. The survey includes information on participants’ staff size and projected growth, recruitment strategies and budgeting, staffing challenges and talent resource management. The 2015 survey found that nonprofit hiring was expected to outpace corporate hiring for the first time this year.

“We are honored to team up with GuideStar on this year’s survey,” said Lisa Brown Morton, President and CEO of Nonprofit HR. “The Nonprofit Employment Practices Survey continues to see an increase in participation and interest from nonprofit organizations each year, and GuideStar’s strong network will bolster involvement even more. This partnership will ensure we are capturing the best data available on trends and issues affecting nonprofit employment and getting that data in front of more people who need it. We are especially excited to unveil the 2016 survey results at our Talent & Culture Summit where nonprofit leaders will already be gathered together and engaged in important conversations.”

As part of the collaboration, GuideStar will tap into its extensive network to increase participation and visibility for this year’s survey. GuideStar will also participate in the unveiling of 2016 survey results at Nonprofit HR’s 2016 Talent & Culture Summit.

“Partnering with Nonprofit HR on the Nonprofit Employment Practices survey is a natural fit for GuideStar,” added Debra Snider, GuideStar Vice President of Operations. “The annual survey offers valuable insight into the latest talent issues and trends impacting nonprofits and also generates remarkable awareness of the size and strength of the nonprofit sector. GuideStar brings over 20 years of experience in nonprofit research to the partnership with Nonprofit HR, and we’re confident that our participation in this year’s survey will help it to get more people than ever before.”

To participate in the 2016 Nonprofit Employment Practices Survey, visit They survey closes on December 18.

For more information or to view the 2015 survey, please visit


Nonprofit HR is the country’s only human resources firm that works exclusively with nonprofit organizations. The company provides human resources consulting, talent acquisition and executive search services. Nonprofit HR also produces an annual study on nonprofit employment trends and hosts the only conference in the world focused on nonprofit talent and culture. Nonprofit HR has offices in Washington D.C. and Chicago.


Jonathan Gluskin

Prosper Strategies


[email protected]


GuideStar,, is the largest source of nonprofit information, connecting people and organizations with information on more than 2.0 million IRS-recognized nonprofits. Some 7 million people, including individual donors, nonprofit leaders, grantmakers, government officials, academic researchers, and the media, use GuideStar’s data every year to make intelligent decisions about the social sector. A 501(c)(3) nonprofit, GuideStar collects its information from the IRS, directly from nonprofits, and other partners in the nonprofit sector.


Gabe Cohen



[email protected]

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