A resourceful place

Nonprofit HR’s Blog

The discussion about HR having a seat at the table is old and over done. Usually we are forced into the discussion at conferences and in industry articles. A recent descent into the “table” discussion involves a CEO telling HR professionals that they just need to learn to think more like CEO’s in order to get a seat at the “wonderful” table. And there lies the problem.

In this video, BLR’s Dan Oswald shares his perspective as a CEO as to what steps HR professionals should take if they truly want to have a ‘seat at the table’ of their organization. Take a look.

Did your eyes roll back into your head when Oswald started talking about left brains and right brains? Maybe you snickered? Whatever your reaction if it was similar to mine then we are of the same opinion that HR will never get a seat at the big kid’s table until CEO’s respect the knowledge found in the HR profession.

In the near future, we will release an in depth investigation into the opinion nonprofit CEO’s have of human resources in their organizations. You are going to find that you will never be invited to the table by leadership. You need to pull up a chair and just make yourself heard.

Make sure to take your left brain with you.

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