WTOP: 5 ways nonprofits can…
CAN NONPROFITS PUT AMERICA BACK TO WORK?” title_size=”28px” title_tag=”h1″ align=” center” color=”grey” description=”
Advocacy : Work4Nonprofits
“][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”2/3″][big_title title=”They can, and you can be part of the solution.” title_size=”28px” title_tag=”h1″ align=” left” color=”grey”][vc_column_text]
There are currently more than 9 million unemployed people in the US who are struggling to find work, pay their bills and feed their families. As the third largest sector in the country, the nonprofit sector holds significant underrecognized potential to offer meaningful jobs to the people who need them most.
This isn’t about charity.
It’s about economic opportunity.
Work4Nonprofits is a movement focused on bringing about massive change by empowering the nonprofit sector to take a leading role in solving one of our country’s biggest problems: long-term unemployment.[/vc_column_text][space height=”30″][big_title title=”We need Your Help.” title_size=”28px” title_tag=”h1″ align=” left” color=”grey”][vc_column_text]Visit our advocacy site at workfornonprofits.org to learn more about what we’re doing and how you can get involved, or simply fill out the form on this page to join the movement.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/3″][big_title title=”I’m ready to join the movement. ” title_size=”28px” title_tag=”h1″ align=” center” color=”grey”][gravityform id=”13″ title=”false” description=”false” ajax=”false” tabindex=”50″][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_text_separator title=”Title” title_align=”separator_align_center” color=”grey” icon=”font-awesome” icon_awesome=”circle-o” icon_metrize=”waves” size=”20″ icon_color=”#e2e2e2″][big_title title=”Milestone Update: Work4Nonprofits Takes Capitol Hill” title_size=”28px” title_tag=”h1″ align=” center” color=”grey”][vc_column_text]This April, Work4Nonprofits brought together thought leaders with diverse backgrounds for a panel on Capitol Hill focused on the strength and impact of the nonprofit sector and the role it can play in putting unemployed Americans back to work.
At this event, panelists including Congressman John Conyers, Mike Curtin of DC Central Kitchen, Valerie Shultz-Wilson of the National Urban League, Carl Van Horn of Rutgers University and Joe Carbone of The Workplace came together to discuss the impact that the nonprofit sector can and should have on the problem of long-term unemployment. There are many highly talented professionals who have been out of work for 26 weeks or more and just need the right opportunity to get back on their feet. The nonprofit sector has the jobs that these individuals are seeking.
In fact, nonprofits employ 10.7 million people, and 50% of nonprofit organizations plan to hire in 2015. Now is the time for nonprofits to find ways to utilize this talented, ready and willing workforce to fill its open positions.
This conversation was an important step in this effort, and we look forward to engaging you as we continue to grow our impact. Browse the photo gallery from the event or watch the live stream recording below. Then visit www.work4nonprofits.org to learn more or join the coalition.[/vc_column_text][space][vc_images_carousel onclick=”link_image” custom_links_target=”_self” grid=”4″ tablet=”3″ tabletsmall=”2″ mobile=”2″ mobilesmall=”1″ autoplay=”3″ images=”4982,4983,5014,5015,5012,5011,5010,5008,5001,5003,5002,5004,5005,5006,5007,5000,4999,4996,4994,4993,4990,4988,4987,4986,4985,4984,4972,4961″][space][vc_column_text]