A resourceful place

Nonprofit HR’s Blog

We’ve posted other recruitment videos in this space, but Apple’s is especially well done. The video is typical of Apple’s style with catchy background music interspersed with staff interviews. All the interviews are extremely positive and give you the same message; it’s great to work at Apple but it is also very hard work too. These types of branding/recruiting projects are often done by large wealthy organizations that typically don’t need a recruiter video to attract talent. But for the rest of us, they provide two things.

First, they show us what successful organizations feel are their best selling points. It makes sense that those things might be what your organization should stress as well – if they apply.

Notice in Apple’s video how they demonstrate the importance of diversity. They don’t just snap together B-roll of different types of employees. Apple adds two other languages to their video and has comments from their Diversity Officer. They also stress diversity of thought and ideas by stressing that they pull in other departments during regular business operations to get outside-the-box thinking involved.

Secondly, the Apple video, and remember they are arguably the most successful corporation in the world, demonstrates that your final product – whatever it maybe – and your internal culture are connected. You cannot have a compassionate organization with a human services mission if you do not have compassionate staff. You cannot create innovative approaches to saving sea life, if your staff is not innovative fish-lovers.

Apple believes this and your organization should too.



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