A resourceful place

Nonprofit HR’s Blog

Dan Schawbel has a great piece over at TIME Moneyland about an intergenerational study conducted by….MTV!

Money quote,

“Among other things, millennials (those in their 20s and early 30s) want flexible work schedules, more “me time” on the job, and nearly nonstop feedback and career advice from managers. They’re also more likely than average to think the boss could learn a thing or two from their young employees. Oh, and they really want to be able to wear jeans at work.”

Here are some key pulls from the study:

  • “Loving what I do” outranked salary and a big bonus.
  • 89% agree “it’s important to be constantly learning at my job”
  • Half of Millennials would “rather have no job than a job they hate”
  • 95% are “motivated to work harder when I know where my work is going”
  • 76% believe “my boss could learn a lot from me”
  • 65% say “I should be mentoring older coworkers when it comes to tech and getting things done”

We will have a few breakout sessions at our 2012 NHRC this October that will cover these well documented issues. Hopefully attendees will come away with some new ideas on how to manage the inter-office dynamics of Millennials vs. Baby Boomers.

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