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Nonprofit HR’s Blog

A new study has found that human resources professionals are using 360 degree feedback to have more influence on talent management and development decisions such as succession planning, identifying training needs, and high potential identification.

HR.BLR.com has the details.

A new study, Practices in 360 Degree Feedback: A Benchmark Study of North America, from consulting firm 3D Group finds human resources professionals are using 360 degree feedback to have more influence on talent management and development decisions such as succession planning, identifying training needs, and high potential identification. While a highly controversial practice, nearly half of companies report using 360s in some portion of their performance management process.

3D Group’s study found that 63 percent of organizations in the United States and Canada use 360 feedback results for some type of decision making, development and/or personnel. The types of talent management decisions include succession planning, high potential identification and training and curriculum planning. Furthermore, a startling 47 percent of companies report using their 360 degree feedback results for some part of performance management.

One of the most encouraging findings was that while some companies see coaching about the feedback results as an option that can be skipped, more than 70 percent of companies make executive coaching available as an important aspect of their 360 degree feedback process.

[The] data clearly indicates that companies plan to continue investing in the growth and development of leaders. 74 percent of companies indicated they plan to maintain or increase spending on 360 degree feedback.

The complete study can be found here.

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