A resourceful place

Nonprofit HR’s Blog

Stephanie Jones has a few new pieces of information from an upcoming study on millennials conducted this year by the Griffith Foundation. The study has not yet been released, but Griffith’s research has found that the primary motivating factors for millennials are “the same things that everybody else is looking for, such as stability, salary, being able to provide for their family.”

Here are a few of the questions contained in the study where millennials were asked to rate items by importance.

Q1. When considering a job that you would want, what are the three most important attributes which you consider?


  1. Competitive Salary
  2. Benefits
  3. Work/Life Balance

Q2. Which of the following types of work, if any, interest you?


  1. Work I can do on my own schedule
  2. Helping others
  3. Work that is challenging

We’ve been told for years that we were going to have to treat millennials as a different beast with unique needs and desires from their more senior baby boomer co-workers. Now that these wet-behind-the-ears new hires have been in the work force for a few years, we may be learning that they want the same things as everyone else.

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