WTOP: 5 ways nonprofits can…
Nonprofit HR is proud to serve the greater Los Angeles metro area, in which some 62,379 nonprofit organizations employ over 600,000 professionals. We recognize that the region’s nonprofit sector is a top economic driver, boasting revenue of $101 billion annually and $254 billion in assets. With this in mind, we aim to strengthen the sector by helping nonprofits maximize the power of their people in service to a broad variety of missions. Nonprofit HR has clients in the largest nonprofit subsectors. Our Los Angeles clients include educational institutions, human service organizations and arts, culture, and humanities nonprofits.
Are your people ready for the journey your organization is taking to greater impact? Power your mission with customized HR solutions. Fueled by the passion of over 100 employees and consultants nationwide, Nonprofit HR is helping many of the nation’s social impact organizations get ahead through smart people management strategies. In the process, we are changing the way an entire sector thinks about talent and culture. |
Nonprofit HR is the country’s leading and oldest firm focused exclusively on the talent management needs of the social sector, including nonprofits, associations, social enterprises and other mission-driven organizations.
We focus our consulting efforts on the following practice areas:
• Strategy & Advisory • HR Outsourcing • Total Rewards • Equity, Diversity, Inclusion & Justice • Search |
Since 2000, our staff of credentialed experts have advanced the impact of some of the world’s most influential brands in the sector.
ACCE Institute
AVIVA Family & Children Services – Hamburger Home
California Charter Schools Association
Coalition to Abolish Slavery and Trafficking (CAST)
Flintridge Preparatory School
Foothill Family
Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD)
Institute for Nonprofit News
International English Language Testing System (IELTS)
Mike Kelley Foundation for the Arts
National Immigration Law Center
Sequoia Climate Fund
Social and Environmental Entrepreneurs
We have helped many other organizations in your region! Schedule a mini-consult to discuss your talent management needs or email our Director of Business Development, West Coast, Tony Cruz, at [email protected].
See how Nonprofit HR helped this organization take meaningful, intentional steps toward building equity and inclusion into their policies and operations as well as continue modeling inclusive leadership within their team. Download the case study.

Nonprofit HR’s work is informed by sector-specific data, which we have consistently collected for over a decade. The below offers insights on talent management trends for California-based nonprofit organizations.
[video width="774" height="384" mp4="https://www.nonprofithr.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/Los-Angeles-MM.mp4" loop="true" autoplay="true"][/video]IN THE NEWS
Stanford Social Innovation Review: The Time is Right for Organizational Learning
ASAE: Retain Top Talent Through Agile Compensation Strategies
The Chronicle of Philanthropy: How to Hang On Fundraisers in a Hot Job Market
Independent Sector News Story: On Building Talent Management Capacity for Nonprofits
We have helped many other organizations in your region! Schedule a mini-consult to discuss your talent management needs or email our Director of Business Development, West Coast, Tony Cruz, at [email protected].
To learn more about the work we are doing with social enterprises, click here. Nonprofit HR also offers customized trainings, research, knowledge and events, all with the objective of strengthening the people management capacity of your workforce.