A resourceful place

Nonprofit HR’s Blog

Read “It’s Not Just Working Remotely; Hiring and Onboarding Go Virtual, Too!” by The Wall Street Journal

The coronavirus pandemic has created unprecedented challenges for most employers, including social sector organizations. This is not an altogether new issue, though, as improving organizational culture (i.e. reducing conflict, dysfunction, miscommunication, etc.) was the number one Culture and Engagement priority nonprofits selected in the 2020 Talent Management Priorities Survey. Talent attraction was also a top priority survey respondents selected, which is why it is no surprise that virtual onboarding is a trending media topic. Nonprofit HR’s CEO, Lisa Brown Alexander shared tips in this recent Wall Street Journal article encouraging employers to focus on culture and engagement during and event after the pandemic.

Lisa also encouraged employers who are onboarding new employees to hone in on the most critical elements of the onboarding process while adjusting less critical new employee onboarding activities. To help organizations with virtual onboarding and talent attraction, Nonprofit HR is hosting a Virtual Town Hall meeting on Monday, April 20. See learning objectives and speaker details. SHRM and HRCI recertification
credits are available to live attendees.  Registration is free but required.

Click here to share employee engagement & culture-building activities your company has deployed during the pandemic in this quick form.

Low & No-Cost Ways to Keep Your People Together, Encouraged & Engaged

There are many no or low-cost but fun ways your organization can keep your people together and inspired in the midst of the uncertainty presented by COVID-19. Collecting songs from employees to create “COVID-19” Spotify/Apple playlists, virtual bingo during lunch hour, virtual brown bags and happy hours are light-hearted activities we have observed. Other organizations are modifying the workweek for their employees by creating flex hour schedules. Some are matching employee donations to nonprofits that are providing direct services in response to COVID-19. Activities that align with an organization’s values and mission have proved to make meaningful impacts.

Many employers, including Nonprofit HR, are also encouraging their workforce to keep moving while home. In addition to boosting awareness for our Employee Assistance Program and meeting regularly to update staff on COVID-19 developments impacting the social sector and talent management community, the firm is also sharing resources for indoor walking, yoga, meditation, and other activities to help boost their physical movement and relieve stress. And because everybody loves a great snack, the firm sent healthy Snack Nation boxes to all employees!

Check out how the activity has been received by Nonprofit HR staff so far!

Even grandparents and pets are enjoying the snacks and thoughtfulness of this gesture. One of our employees shared how excited her grandfather was to see the treasure! “Today Nonprofit HR made my 76-year-old father-in-law a very happy man! … He regularly contributes to charity, he sponsored a child in Guatemala, and he’s a 3-time cancer survivor. He’s a role model for these reasons and many, many more!

And while the jury may still be out for “Isadora the pup”, we’re pretty sure she would give this special box of treats two paws up!

What about your organization? Share creative ways you’re working to keep your workforce engaged.  Complete this quick form!

See more insights on how nonprofits across North America indicate how their organization will invest time and resources in attracting, engaging, developing and retaining their people in 2020.

Get critical benchmarking data from the hundreds of survey respondents representing a diverse range of budgets, staff sizes and missions that participated in Nonprofit HR’s fourth annual survey on talent management priorities. Plus, access a webinar recording for high-level takeaways focused on:

  • key talent management priorities, cultural trends, and retention shifts for the social sector in 2020;
  • benchmarking stats that will help you gauge where your organization stands in relation to national nonprofit talent priorities;
  • tips to align your organization’s talent priorities to help drive your unique goals for 2020 and beyond; and
  • insights on what these priorities mean to the sector and your organization and how you can respond.

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